Donation Request
Please read carefully before submitting a request. At the Y, strengthening community is our cause and we are dedicated to building healthy, confident, connected, and secure children, adults, families, and communities. As a non-profit organization, the Y depends on generous support from individuals and businesses throughout the community to achieve its mission.
Additionally, we strive to support other organizations committed to similar goals which are performing community service in our area by making our resources or facilities available when possible. The extraordinarily large number of requests received each year means the Y is unable to meet all requests and so the following policies and procedures have been established in order to assist as many as possible.
The Y is unable to make cash contributions. The Y will contribute limited memberships and services, such as one-month memberships, program registrations, gift certificates, etc. The Y may also grant facility usage to groups performing community service in our community, based on availability.
All donations made by the Y are intended for the sole benefit of the non-profit organization to or for which the donation was made. The resale or re-purposing of any donation by the organization or the winner of such a donation is strictly prohibited without the prior approval of the Y and will nullify the donation.
A request form should be completed and submitted at least 15 business days prior to the event or fundraiser. Request for facility use should be submitted as early as possible. Incomplete forms may not be considered. Please include any printed material or information that documents the event or activity.
Generally, you will receive notification regarding your donation request within two weeks of receipt of your request. Please do not call unless more than two weeks have passed without notification.
For more information, please contact email the Salina Family YMCA at info@salinaymca.org